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Tribune des universitaires suisses

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Processing your data

Your name, first name, title and university will appear at the bottom of the forum as a signatory. Your e-mail address will not be visible and will not be passed on to third parties or used for any other purpose.


Your e-mail address is used to avoid duplicates when printing the petition for the Federal Council and to keep you informed of the outcome of your good deed.


You can request the removal of your e-mail address from our contact list at any time after the publication of the petition by sending an e-mail to :data.privacy@saveafricans-ukraine.ch


Tribune initiée par SaveAfricans-Ukraine, une initiative de l’association «Causes Oubliées» basée à Sion.


«Causes Oubliées/Forgotten Causes»

C/o Espace Création,

Rue de la Dixence 10

1950 Sion

Tél :+41 78 243 09 10



CH94 8080 8001 6528 02461

Causes Oubliées/Forgotten Causes